Friday, February 24, 2006

again, another month has just about gone by....

hello everyone we are closing in on the end of Feb., I thought I'd get you caught up on things around the Hilary Band Camp........last night(thursday 23rd) the Hilary Scott quintet played a fun gig at Mojo's, here in was a Birthday Bash for Senator Chuck Graham, and it was well attended......Hilary, along with Michael, B.A., Rob and Griff played a great, 2 hour, straight thru set.......(Mike was out, from a surgery, which he is coming along fine and will be back with his bass in no time, and Loyd had other commitments) was great to see some of our die hard fans and great to meet a bunch of new ones.....Joel did a great job on sound and the staff was once again very gracious......the really great part was being done by 9:00 on a week night.......the food was great , the crowd was large and a good time was had by all......yeah, thats right, you should have stopped by, it was open to the public and was no, to see Hilary and the boys FREE , what a treat.........
.....the sunday before on the 19th, Hilary , Michael and B.A. performed for the Missouri River Cultural Conservancy Video Filming, down at Coopers Landing on the Missouri River. there was a nice crowd there along with the filming crew and the gracious host, Mike Cooper........this was a very intimate, "in your living room" type of show. It was more of a "House Concert" type of affair. The crowd was only a few feet away and the floor was open for questions.......Hilary did a nice narration about the songs, their orgins and incidents that caused the writing of the tunes. There was even a few I hadn't heard before......after the show, the band was treated to a meal from Mr. Cooper......there was some new fans there, plus some of our regulars....a very nice afternoon by the river for sure.......there was also a really nice bonfire outside, if you wanted to venture out there........we did get to see some of the footage that has been filmed for the MRCC, and I must say I was really impressed...hopefully copies will be available for a donation, when we find out more we will let you know thru the sure to head down to Coopers Landing as the weather permits, you can walk the Katy Trail, fish or just hang out and watch the River flow is mezmorizing.......and tell them you heard about them from Hilary's website, and say hi to Mr.Cooper for us.....I'm sure Hilary will be playing down there again this spring or summer, so watch the website for more details.......we've got a bunch of gigs coming up in Columbia and around the state, so keep checking the website, we have a few that would make great weekend day trips........the next gig is the Luna Fair, on the 11th, there's a bunch of great talented performing for that, then on the 25th, the full band will be back at The Martini stay warm, and watch for spring, it's right around the corner...the daylight is getting longer and the birds are singing, it won't be long now.......hope to see you out there at a gig, and don't be afraid to come up an introduce yourself...and maybe, since Our Mike is recouping, we can get him to write some more about the rabbit....see ya...B.A.